SGX Nifty Postmarket

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 27-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 27-May-2024 14,013.38 14,554.60 -541.22 DII 27-May-2024 12,902.57 11,979.97 922.60 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 24-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 24-May-2024 11,564.19 12,509.02 -944.83 DII 24-May-2024 13,475.70 11,155.38 2,320.32 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 23-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 23-May-2024 19,821.55 15,150.60 4,670.95 DII 23-May-2024 12,439.40 12,292.89 146.51 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 209,076 12,845 87,661 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 22-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 22-May-2024 16,061.42 16,747.46 -686.04 DII 22-May-2024 13,486.33 12,524.42 961.91 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 73,091 4,740 80,872 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 21-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 21-May-2024 17,681.01 19,555.55 -1,874.54 DII 21-May-2024 16,104.49 12,555.52 3,548.97 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 80,366 4,886 45,876 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 18-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 18-May-2024 50.71 143.66 -92.95 DII 18-May-2024 149.06 301.93 -152.87 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 3,402 205 1,030 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 17-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 17-May-2024 15,820.61 14,203.82 1,616.79 DII 17-May-2024 11,656.60 10,100.35 1,556.25 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 56,686 3,405 45,917 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 16-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 16-May-2024 16,603.64 17,380.13 -776.49 DII 16-May-2024 14,907.72 12,779.91 2,127.81 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 138,154 8,237 152,438 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 15-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 15-May-2024 11,412.04 14,244.87 -2,832.83 DII 15-May-2024 12,915.36 9,126.98 3,788.38 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Index Futures 52,481 3,297 84,589 Read More

After Market Data of NSE,BSE and MSEI in Capital Markets For Trade Date 14-May-2024 Category Date Buy Value Sell Value Net Value FII/FPI 14-May-2024 9,988.34 14,053.86 -4,065.52 DII 14-May-2024 11,455.11 7,927.25 3,527.86 FII Derivatives Statistics Type BuyContracts BuyAmt (Rs. Cr) SellContracts SellAmt (Rs. Cr) Open InterestContracts Open InterestAmt (Rs. Cr) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Read More