The Sgx Nifty Future is trading at 8,660.50 up with +5.93% percent or +485.00 point. The Nikkei 225 Future is trading at 17,500.00 up with +3.80% percent or +640.00 point.The Hang Seng Future is trading at 22,793.00 with +4.36% percent or +952.00 point.
Shares of Sobha traded 0.36 per cent up in Friday ‘s trade at 10:54 am. Around 66843 shares changed hands on the counter. The stock opened at Rs 185.6 and touched an intraday high and low of Rs 188.95 and Rs 175.55 , respectively, in the session so far.
Sobha Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Property Development which contributed Rs 2138.29 Crore to Sales Value (62.90 % of Total Sales), Sale of services which contributed Rs 862.11 Crore to Sales Value (25.36 % of Total Sales), Income From Glazing which contributed Rs 157.46 Crore to Sales Value (4.63 % of Total Sales), Income From Interiors which contributed Rs 142.85 Crore to Sales Value (4.20 % of Total Sales), Concrete Blocks which contributed Rs 43.37 Crore to Sales Value (1.27 % ..

For the day the Dow is trading at 20,087.19 up with 0.95% percent or +188.27 point. The S&P 500 is trading at 2,409.39 up with +0.47% percent or +11.29 point. The Nasdaq Composite is trading at 7,150.58 up with +2.30% percent or +160.73 point.
In other parts of world, Japan’s Nikkei 225 is trading at 16,552.83 with a loss of –1.04% percent or –173.72 point. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng is trading at 22,641.01 up with +4.29% percent or +931.88 point. China’s Shanghai Composite is trading at 2,745.62 up with +1.61% percent or +43.49 point. India’s BSE Sensex is trading at 29,826.02 up with +5.44% percent or +1,537.79 point at 12:15 PM.