The SgxNifty Future is trading at 15,889.50 with +0.63% percent or +99.05 point. The Nikkei 225 Future is trading at 28,982.50 with +0.63% percent or +182.50 point.The Hang Seng Future is trading at 29,215.50 up with +1.34% percent or +386.50 point.
According to exchange data, the stock traded at a price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple of 17.4 while price-to-book ratio stood at 2.19. A higher P/E ratio shows that investors are willing to pay a higher price for per rupee earnings given by the stock because of better future growth expectations. The price-to-book value indicates the inherent value of a company and it reflects the price investors are ready to pay even for no growth in a business.
For the day the nifty closed at 15,857.30 up with +0.42% percent or +66.85 point.Nikkei 225 is trading at 29,066.18 with +0.66% percent or +190.95 point. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng is trading at 29,288.22 with 1.40%percent or +405.76 point.
For the day the Dow is trading at 34,196.82 up with +0.95%percent or +322.58 point. The S&P 500 is trading at 4,266.49 up with +0.58% percent or +24.65 point. The Nasdaq Composite is trading at 14,369.71 with +0.69% percent or +97.98 point.
In other parts of world, Japan’s Nikkei 225 is trading at 29,066.18 up with +0.66% percent or +190.95 point. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng is trading at 29,274.96 with +1.36% percent or +392.50point. China’s Shanghai Composite is trading at 3,606.85 up with 1.13%percent or +40.20 point. India’s BSE Sensex is trading at 52,797.43 with +0.19% percent or +98.43 point at 12:15 PM.